Angelo 1m DEMS


Digital Elevation Models (DEM) of Angelo Coast Range Reserve and South Fork Eel Watershed in Mendocino County, CA. 

This Folder contains a zip file with 3 DEMs. 

Warning: it is 6.4GB when uncompressed. 

They all are 1x1 meter grid resolution, using UTM, zone 10, NAD83 projection. These are ESRI grids. 
1. Bare-earth DEM: eel1mdem 
2. Canopy DEM: eel1mcanopy 
3. Vegetation Heights, i.e. the difference between the bare earth and canopy: eel1mdiff 

Data was flown for the purposes of improving algorithms for LIDAR bare-earth processing and to be the basis of interdisciplinary geology, ecology, hydrology modelling as performed by the National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics. NCALM, University of Florida flew the LIDAR and processed it to 9column ascii files. They also created the bare-earth DEM. 

NCALM, UC Berkeley processed the canopy and veg heights DEMs and is responsible for distribution. 

Any questions can be directed to NCALM, UC Berkeley.

Dataset ID
Begin Publication
Data Type
Computational Model
Contact Name

Collin Bode

Contact Email
Desktop Watersheds
Angelo Coast Reserve
Dino Belugi
Collin Bode
Base Folder
Archive Folder