Digital Elevation Models (DEM) of Angelo Coast Range Reserve and South Fork Eel Watershed in Mendocino County, CA.
This Folder contains a zip file with 3 DEMs.
Warning: it is 6.4GB when uncompressed.
They all are 1x1 meter grid resolution, using UTM, zone 10, NAD83 projection. These are ESRI grids.
1. Bare-earth DEM: eel1mdem
2. Canopy DEM: eel1mcanopy
3. Vegetation Heights, i.e. the difference between the bare earth and canopy: eel1mdiff
Data was flown for the purposes of improving algorithms for LIDAR bare-earth processing and to be the basis of interdisciplinary geology, ecology, hydrology modelling as performed by the National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics. NCALM, University of Florida flew the LIDAR and processed it to 9column ascii files. They also created the bare-earth DEM.
NCALM, UC Berkeley processed the canopy and veg heights DEMs and is responsible for distribution.
Any questions can be directed to NCALM, UC Berkeley. http://calm.geo.berkeley.edu/ncalm
Collin Bode